Suffragan Bishops-elect Diane Jardine Bruce (left) and Mary Douglas Glasspool (right)
To you, O Loving God, all hearts are open; fill, we pray,
the hearts of these your servants whom you have chosen to be bishops
in your Church, with such love of you and of all the people,
that they may feed and tend the flock of Christ,
and exercise without reproach the high priesthood to which
you have called them, serving before you day and night
in the ministry of reconciliation, declaring pardon in your Name,
offering the holy gifts, and wisely overseeing the life and work
of the Church. In all things may they present before you
the acceptable offering of a pure, and gentle, and holy life;
through Jesus Christ your Son, to whom, with you
and the Holy Spirit, be honor and power and glory
in the Church, now and for ever. Amen.
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